BAM: At Last, Some Progress. -
Well, to be perfectly frank, this month has been kind of shitty. Way too much work, way too much school, way too much sick, way too little sleep, way too little time to work on stuff I want to. OTOH, I did get some long-overdue chores settled, and results are coming in from both school and work, so while I’m unhappy about not able to work on things I find fun, at least there is progress… Anyway, part of what I’m doing with my BAM is to update my 1000 pt lists into 2 1000 pt lists… yeah, escalation for the win. :/ So I ended up with more infantry, more support weapons, and have to do up an M10c in place of the Firefly — the Firefly is going to the second list with 3 Cromwells (!). But that means I have to find a way to transport all those … Continue reading →