Gaining Weight -
We were still on Rockwellawan at Week 11 Day 6 when the Lance was finally back at full strength. We took a contract to clear out pirates in the equatorial jungles, and Sumire dumped us on a tropical beach that would have been great to relax on. Timing, Sumire! The enemy strength was a bit more than expected, but teamwork is starting to show; TigerTail got past them and started leading the trailers away. When they finally engaged us, it was a stream of individuals. Much easier to deal with. Rebound took another hit here, and is nearly out for 3 weeks. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a fire on the Dropship knocked 2 of our ‘Warriors out. At this point, the Boss conceded that Rockwellawan is probably cursed and moved us to Herotitus. We got to Herotitus about 3 weeks later, with most of our crew rested and … Continue reading →