MWO: Fast, Brutal Endings


Most MWO fights tend to go like the above. You engage fast, and the amount of crap flying around means it’s brutal and ends quickly. My Dragon teammate and I did a flank run and was base capping, when this Cataphract came flying back. He was in a hurry so didn’t really scout, so probably missed me entirely. That let me get behind him and do a lot of damage. He already seen some combat, but I’m still surprised how fast I cut through his rear armour (which looked to be intact). Less than 20s from initial contact to kill.

Lessons learnt: Scout, especially in base cap. Nowadays it’s usually scare cap, but once in a while you get a pair of jokers who end-ran your team (granted, it’s rarely a pair of Dragons; more commonly a pair of lights). It can turn quite ugly.

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