More Bolt Action Miniatures

Mix of Tamiya and Warlord BAM minis.

Good grief, the rate of progress is really slow.. By now I have 8 minis done (2 more riflemen done), and is steadily eating through the BAM sprue. Not 100% happy with the BAM setup because the sprue comes with weapon-specific arms, but the parts are not labelled and you constantly have to refer back to the explanation sheet.

In addition, the BAM torsos aren’t actually set up to do multi-pose very well, some torsos have large flat sides still exposed after gluing the arms and torsos don’t often offer good cross torso fits. Not terrible, but the GW Gen 2/ Gen 3 style plastic rears its ugly limitations.

Still, not terrible. Because Normandy era PBIs are often photographed with their small packs and ET while advancing/ attacking, my parts count essentially increased by 2 for BAM and 3 or more for the Tamiya. Nuisance, that.

Still need to figure out basing. Warlord goes with a flat 25mm base, but I’ve grown used to 28mm minis on a raised base. Sigh.

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